Featured solutions

Reduce Staffing Cost

Do you rely on expensive sales reps or area managers to handle repetitive general customer support calls? Or do you already have a large pool of customer support reps, but…
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Extend Multilingual Capability

Are you a global brand with localized websites in languages other than English? Do you receive calls, emails, and chat messages in multiple languages? If so, can you effectively and efficiently handle all of these requests, or are you losing customers and sales because you lack the appropriate levels of multilingual capabilities?

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Scale Customer Support

Black Friday rush? Christmas traffic spikes? Mass media campaign? Your team may not be equipped to deal with a surge of unusual incoming traffic like this. Now obviously it wouldn’t make sense to maintain the required staff, office space, and equipment for the rest of the year outside of these independent scenarios. How, then, do you handle these precipitated yet temporary increases in call volumes, numbers of emails, and flooding chat requests? Do you have the capacity to train and coach temporary staff? And could you continue to deliver on your service level targets in an outstanding way? 

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